Religious Education


As a Church school and part of the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education (SDBE) we promote that:

Religious Education (RE) is not just an academic subject, but, lies at the very heart of the curriculum and has an important role in reflecting and conveying the distinctively Christian character of the school’ (SDBE website).

Aims of Religious Education

Our Religious Education curriculum has a significant role for the development of children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. It promotes respect and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs and encourages our children to develop their sense of identity and belonging through self-awareness and reflection.  

The principle aim of RE is to engage the children in an enquiry approach where they can develop an understanding and appreciation for the expression of beliefs, cultural practices and influence of principle religions and worldviews in the local, national and wider global community.  

The key aims for religious education are reflected in the two attainment targets.  

  • Attainment Target 1- Learning about region and belief  
  • Attainment target 2- Learning from religion and belief


The Religious Education Curriculum


RE Curriculum Map 2023-24


We follow the Southwark Diocese Board of Education's (SDBE) RE syllabus and schemes of work. Our RE curriculum ensures that teachers deliver a curriculum where RE is seen as an integral part of our curriculum and is taught with the same level of importance as the National Curriculum core subjects and reflects the two attainment targets – Learning About Religion (AT1) and Learning From Religion (AT2). By following these targets we ensure that as a school that we develop the skills, understanding and knowledge that pupils at different stages of their learning at our school are expected to have.

Through high quality teaching and delivery of RE, the pupils of St Alfege with St Peter’s C of E Primary School feel inspired and recognise that they have opportunities to explore their own and others' religious, spiritual and philosophical beliefs and cultural traditions in a positive and constructive way showing respect for all faiths.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, RE is taught under the area of ‘knowledge and understanding of the world’.

At Key Stage 1 one hour per week is allocated to RE and at Key Stage 2, 1.25 hours per week and this also includes the opportunity to share views and faith.